Happy 5th day of Chalica!
Today we honor our 5th principle: the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.
Use your voice. Make yourself heard.
Chalica 2019 — Day 4
Happy 4th day of Chalica! Today we honor the right of every person to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
Chalica 2019 — Day 3
Today we honor our 3rd principle, we promise to affirm and promote the acceptance of one another, and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregation.
Chalica 2019 — Day 2
The second day of Chalica celebrates justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.
Chalica 2019 — Day 1
Today starts the first day of Chalica, a week of celebrating our 7 principles. On each day, a chalice is ignited, the day’s principle is read, and ways of honoring the principle are enacted, such as volunteering or donating to a social justice cause.
Reflection on the First Principle
“Reverence and respect for human nature is at the core of Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith. We believe that all the dimensions of our being carry the potential to do good. We celebrate the gifts of being human: our intelligence and capacity for observation and reason, our senses and ability to appreciate beauty, our creativity, our feelings and emotions. We cherish our bodies as well as our souls. We can use our gifts to offer love, to work for justice, to heal injury, to create pleasure for ourselves and others.
“‘Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy,’ the great twentieth-century Rabbi Abraham Heschel wrote. Unitarian Universalists affirm the inherent worth and dignity of each person as a given of faith—an unshakeable conviction calling us to self-respect and respect for others.,”
—Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ann Parker